Training Plan Rules
Operant Conditioning
When behavior is affected by its consequences, you are doing operant training. The likelihood of a dog sitting goes up if she receives a treat after doing so. Operant training that follows some basic rules is efficient and effective. When using a step by step training plan while following rules it is completely normal for a dog to progress forward and drop back between steps during a session. This is part of learning.
Use these guidelines for working a training plan for behaviors such as sit, down, leave it, drop it, stay, wait, watch me, touch, etc.
Order of Events for Cues and Prompts
Order of events is important. Follow the proper order to communicate clearly with your dog and get the quickest results. In these examples, the prompt is the hand signal and the cue is the word.

Putting a Plan Into Action Using Counting Rules

Our plans are lists of steps. Start with the first step using the order of the cues and prompts as listed in the step.