Proactive Prevention
While we can't completely prevent unwanted behaviors, we can get proactive about minimizing their likelihood. Learn about what you can do to establish good associations and get your puppy off to the best start.

Resource Guarding
Resource guarding occurs when your dog wants to protect someone, something or somewhere of high value.
We head off these natural instincts by doing some exercises that help your pup feel great when approach.
Separation Anxiety
Teaching your pup that the x-pen and crate are safe and happy places is the first step.
The second step is planning some safe absences using our alone time training.

Fear & Aggression
Aggression is usually rooted in fear and stems from your dog wanting more distance from the scary thing. Your pup may want a person to back up, so she barks and looks scary to accomplish that goal. Your pup may not like the way you're handling her, so she nips your hand to make it go away. Your dog may bark and lunge on a leash to look very scary so that the "thing" doesn't come any closer.
Some fear and aggression tendencies that are inherited or predisposed are out of your control. These are some common ways fear is acquired for dogs:
Mom stressed during pregnancy
Mom stressed at birth of puppies
Maternal behavior
Being removed from litter too early
Bad experiences
Lack of socialization
Note that only a few of these things are within our control. Early socialization is the most important gift you can give your dog. We covered this in the Puppy VIP list - so, we won't go into detail here about how to do it (refer to our socialization guide for that). But, worthy of reiterating are the signs your puppy may give you if she's feeling fearful:​

licking lips, or nose
turning away
averting gaze
shaking off
lifting from paw
whale eyes
frozen body
ears pulled back/flat
tail tucked
scratching self
sniffing ground
running away
important reminders