Engage Disengage Game
A game to help dogs who react to other dogs or people
The engage disengage game is great to use anytime you want to help your dog feel better about something scary or frustrating. The key to getting the most from training is to play the game when your dog sees the potentially scary thing at a distance where the thing is noticed but your dog is not backing/lunging/growling or otherwise reacting in an overtly fearful or aggressive looking way.
The game describes playing with a clicker, but you may also choose a verbal marker instead. I say "nice!" when my reactive dog notices a trigger and looks back to me for his treat.
Engage Disengage Primer
This <3 minute video by fellow Academy graduate of Bravo Dog shows the game in action.
Identify your dog's triggers (be as specific as possible)
Get treats ready, make sure you have them on you and easily accessible
Leash your dog (pairing with a humane collar and/or harness)
Let's practice. We will practice together so that you can get your timing just right. An example of practicing for a dog that is reactive to other dogs will look like this:
Inanimate object
Stuffed dog
Real dog at a distance
Dogs at a distance
Outside of a dog park
Download the PDF of the Engage/Disengage game.

Dig a Little Deeper
Before you get out there and try this on your own, watch this <8 minute video by Jollytails. This video goes a little deeper demonstrating timing of the clicks (or marker word) and progression through step 1 to step 2.