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How to teach your dog to stay in sit position until released
Sit-stay is one of the impulse control behaviors that we like to teach every dog.
We frequently are asked what the difference is between "wait" and "stay." Click here for Whole Dog Journal's article on the difference.
The Plan
Sit-stay is a more advanced behavior, and one that we typically like to teach your dog. We don't add any verbal cue until step 7. You can choose at that point to add a verbal or a hand signal. If you want to do both, do one first. For example, use your chosen hand signal for stay. Once the stay is reliable with the hand signal only, add the verbal cue before the hand signal. Be sure to pause slightly in the order. It would go like this "stay" - pause - "hand signal" - dog stays (reinforce during the stay) - release cue.

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