Recall & Come

Teaching your dog to come when called
We start recall training very early and continute to practice it throughout life because it is one of the most important behaviors. Follow these step by step instructions to get started.
Here a few days worth of fun steps to build a strong recall with your puppy or adult dog. In this chart, you will first teach your recall word. This chart uses the word "Come" but you can use any word you would like as long as you're consistent. This chart includes a fun multi-player game called Puppy Ping Pong, our favorite recall game! This game works for dogs of all ages.

After you have practiced your recall word in very easy set ups like this chart, it's time to get creative. We love to have recall parties to make recall very important and impactful!
To do this, prepare a baggie of 10 high value treats (cheese pieces, left over meat piecees, lunch meat, etc.) and put it on your counter or somewhere you can access easily later. When it's chill around your home but your dog isn't too far away from you (about 6-10 feet), call your dog to you and run together to get the treats. Having big pay off single trials will make a big impact. Do this just once then wait a few days and do it again.